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29 March 1999
See related files: Jim Bell
Carl Johnson
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 06:09:32 +0200 (CEST) From: Anonymous <nobody@replay.com> To: cypherpunks@cyberpass.net FEB. -04' 99(THU) 10:24 USMS W/WA TACOMA TEL: 206 593 6761 P.002 United States Department of Justice United States Marshals Service _______________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Page 1 of _______________________________________________________________________ 1.CASE # 2.DATE OF REPORT 3. REPORTED 11/25/97 BY: Lisa Stephenson Deputy U.S. Marshal 4.CASE TITLE: AT: Tacoma WA CYPHERPUNKS 5.OTHER DEPUTIES: 6.TYPE OF REPORT (Check One): [ ] ARREST [ ] REPORT OF ELECTRONIC INTERCEPTION [ ] INTELLIGENCE UPDATE [ ] COLLATERAL LEAD [ ] MEMORANDUM TO FILE [ ] WITNESS INTERVIEW [X] OTHER _TAD_________ _______________________________________________________________________ On November 25, 1997, Inspector Jeff GORDAN with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Portland, Oregon, contacted the U.S. Marshals Service, Tacoma, Washington, regarding an internet posting he had obtained on this day (see attached). [http://www.inet-one.com/cypherpunks/dir.97.11.20-97.11.26/msg00274.html] On the same date, Deputy U.S. Marshal STEPHENSON contacted Inspector GORDAN in an attempt obtain further details regarding the individuals mentioned in the internet posting. Inspector GORDAN related the following: On May 17, 1997, the IRS in Vancouver, Washington, arrested James Dalton BELL (#26906-086) for threats, assaults, obstruction, and intimidation of employees and officers of the IRS. During IRS's initial investigation of BELL, the IRS discovered that BELL was associated with the Multnomah County Common Law Court as well as the author of "Assassination Politics", an essay that describes and advocates the development and use of a system to reward people who kill selected Government employees. BELL was also known to transmit his beliefs via internet services (see W/WA case #CR97-5270FDB). Inspector GORDON indicated that since BELL's arrest his office has been monitoring internet postings by the Cypherpunks, one of the groups BELL was known to be communicating with. Many of the postings are simply communications between members of the group regarding their dissatisfaction with the Government. Inspector GORDAN related that this posting was a concern due to the statement made by the author, indicating that Tim MAY announced he would be murdering Jim Bell's judge (known to be U.S. District Judge Franklin BURGESS or Magistrate J. Kelly ARNOLD) on Friday, at 4;00 p.m. Inspector GORDAN indicated that he is not familiar with the author of the posting, Bad BobbyH, however he was familiar with Tim MAY. Inspector GORDAN described MAY as being an anarchist/survivalist who seems to spend much of his time communicating his beliefs via the internet. According to _______________________________________________________________________ FEB. -04' 99(THU) 10:24 USMS W/WA TACOMA TEL: 206 593 6761 P.003 Inspector GORDAN, MAY is retired and fairly "well off", making his fortune years ago by developing computer programs. May also has a tendency to attempt to "goat" or "bait" law enforcement officers into taking action and has repeatedly stated he would shoot any law enforcement officers who attempted to arrest him. Inspector GORDAN provided the following information regarding the individuals mentioned in the posting: Timothy C. MAY (DoB: 12/21/51 & SSN: XXX-XX-XXX) XXX Corralltos, CA 95078 Robert HETTINGA XXX Boston, MA 02131 Inspector GORDAN disclosed that his office is unable to trace the posting because the address, Robert Heidegger (rh@dev.null), is false/untraceable. On November 25, 1997, U.S. District Judge Franklin BURGESS and Magistrate Judge J. Kelly ARNOLD were notified by Supervisory Deputy Glenn WHALEY and Deputy STEPHENSON reference the internet posting. A copy of the internet posting was forwarded to FBI Special Agent Ron Stankye (360) 695-5661. Attached is a copy of another posting by the Cypherpunks previously received on June 23, 1997 regarding Magistrate J. Kelly ARNOLD. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Deputy STEPHENSON at (253) 593-6344. _______________________________________________________________________ 7.SIGNATURE (DUSM) 8.DATE 11.DISTRIBUTION Signature 11/25/97 X DISTRICT X HEADQUARTERS 9.APPROVED 10.DATE _ OTHER _______ Signature 11/25/97 _______________________________________________________________________ UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE. NEITHER IT NOR ITS CONTENTS MAY BE DISSEMINATED OUTSIDE THE AGENCY TO WHICH LOANED. _______________________________________________________________________ USM FORM 11 [End report 1] FEB. -04' 99(THU) 10:25 USMS W/WA TACOMA TEL: 206 593 6761 P.005 United States Department of Justice United States Marshals Service _______________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Page 1 of _______________________________________________________________________ 1.CASE # 2.DATE OF REPORT 3. REPORTED Jun 8, 1998 BY: Lisa Stephenson Deputy U.S. Marshal 4.CASE TITLE: AT: Tacoma WA Carl Edward JOHNSON 5.OTHER DEPUTIES: 6.TYPE OF REPORT (Check One): [ ] ARREST [ ] REPORT OF ELECTRONIC INTERCEPTION [ ] INTELLIGENCE UPDATE [ ] COLLATERAL LEAD [ ] MEMORANDUM TO FILE [ ] WITNESS INTERVIEW [X] THREAT REPORT _______________________________________________________________________ On 6/06/98,.Deputy STEPHENSON received a telephone call from Inspector Jeff GORDON of the Internal Revenue Service, Portland, Oregon regarding Carl Edward JOHNSON. JOHNSON had been previously identified by Inspector GORDON as the individual making threats, via the internet, against Magistrate J. Kelly ARNOLD, U.S. District Judge Frank BURGESS as well as "Federal Judges" in general. (See Preliminary Threat Report dated 11/25/98 [sic] on Timothy MAY & CYPHERPUNKS) Inspector GORDON relates that he had received intelligence information from the RCMP's in Canada stating that JOHNSON had planted an incendiary device (made of gasoline and shotgun shells) in a utility closet of a Courthouse in Canada. Inspector GORDON further stated that it is believed JOHNSON has fled to the United States and is driving a white Mazda truck with Saskatchewan license plate #AAF-746. Inspector GORDON stated that JOHNSON had previously threatened Members of the RCMP's, via the internet, which has resulted in a criminal investigation by their agency and the seizure of JOHNSON's computers. Inspector GORDON indicated that the seizure of the computer equipment may be what escalated JOHNSON's behavior. Inspector GORDON further stated that details regarding the incident remain sketchy, however he would contact the V.S. Marshals Office immediately upon Obtaining further _______________________________________________________________________ 7.SIGNATURE (DUSM) 8.DATE 11.DISTRIBUTION Signature 6/8/98 X DISTRICT _ HEADQUARTERS 9.APPROVED 10.DATE _ OTHER _______ Signature 6/8/98 _______________________________________________________________________ UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE. NEITHER IT NOR ITS CONTENTS MAY BE DISSEMINATED OUTSIDE THE AGENCY TO WHICH LOANED. _______________________________________________________________________ FEB. -04' 99(THU) 10:25 USMS W/WA TACOMA TEL: 206 593 6761 P.006 United States Marshals Service _______________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF INVESTIGATION Page 2 _______________________________________________________________________ information. Due to the previous threats received against federal Judges within the western Districts of Washington, Deputy STEPHENSON issued a Security Alert Notice to all Court Security Officers and outside security personnel as well as contacted Ron Stankye of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Acting Supervisor Deputy U.S. Marshal Charles VOLLMER briefed U.S. Magistrate J. Kelly ARNOLD. Some of JOHNSON's lnternet addresses are as follows: toto@sk.symaptico.ca ; carljohn@sk.sympatico.ca ; and cypherpunks@toad.com. _______________________________________________________________________ UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE THIS REPORT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE. NEITHER IT NOR ITS CONTENTS MAY BE DISSEMINATED OUTSIDE THE AGENCY TO WHICH LOANED. _______________________________________________________________________ [End report 2]